Computer Science B.S.
Graduating Class:
Current Job:
Software Engineer at Cisco
Favorite Memory/Activity in SHPE?
Soooo many great memories! One of my favorites would have to be attending the SHPE National Conference in Kansas City, MO. Attending a conference like this was such a great opportunity for my professional development. This conference exposed me to my first set of technical interviews and really boosted my confidence to apply for post-graduation jobs. Also, traveling somewhere new with others in SHPE was a really great bonding experience. If you don’t feel too connected to others in the org yet, being able to explore a new city together is a really invaluable experience to help boost that connection!
How did SHPE contribute to your success?
I sometimes wonder if I would’ve been able to get through college if not for SHPE. While the various resources, mentors & experiences contributed greatly, one of the best assets SHPE provided was a support system. The friends that I was able to meet in the same major & classes through SHPE was so important to my success. Take advantage of knowing others who are in the same classes or have taken the classes you are! A late night study session is infinitely better with others (& snacks!).
Any words of wisdom for incoming freshmen/transfer students?
As I mentioned above, be sure to take advantage of the resources! Not just that SHPE offers, but that the school offers as well. Read the posters around campus and in the engineering building. There’s so much help offered, don’t be ashamed to take advantage of as much as possible. Giving back sometimes too doesn’t hurt 🙂 Our org at UCSC is only possible when members contribute! Even small efforts such as offering to pick up supplies for a fundraiser is super helpful to your board and will be greatly appreciated.
Hello all! As you can see, I was in your shoes not too long ago. As a first-generation college student, I feel so lucky to have had SHPE to help me through my college career. I was fortunate enough to serve as secretary during the 2017-2018 school year. SHPE was one of my absolute favorite parts about UCSC and will forever hold a very special place in my heart. Since graduating, I have been working as a front-end web developer for Cisco in San Jose and hope to serve as a resource for information/advice for current & future SHPE students!
In the future, I hope to be able to attend some panels or events but in the meantime, please feel free to reach out with any questions, career advice, etc! I know how important it is to have a resource in the industry and really hope to be able to be that! Even though I’m an alumni and work in the industry, I promise I’m totally a regular person and hope you don’t feel intimidated to reach out 🙂